
Proving runtime of algorithms

How to prove the Big-O notation, i.e. the runtime of algorithms

There are 3 major methods and 1 advanced method:

Method 1: Substitution

In this method, we will utilize the definition of Big-O notation and mathematical induction.

By definition, Big-O notation defines a lower bound for a function:

\[f(n) = O(n) \Longleftrightarrow f(n) \le c*n, with \ c \ge 0\ and\ n \ge n_{0}\]

i.e. $f(n) = O(n)$ if there exist $c$ and $n_{0}$ such that $c*n$ is always larger than $f(n)$.

Notice that i am using $O(n)$ as an example, you can use the above equation to prove $O(n^{2}), O(n*lgn)…$ as well.

We will use mathematical induction to prove that there exists a c and $n_{0}$ that satisfies the above equation.

In another word, we want to show that the left hand side $f(n)$ is less than or equal the right hand side $c*n$.


Proving merge sort runtime is $O(n \log n)$

To prove that Merge Sort has a runtime of $O(n \log n)$ using the substitution method, we’ll follow these steps:

  1. Understand the Recurrence Relation:
    The time complexity of Merge Sort can be described by the recurrence relation:

    \[T(n) = 2T\left(\frac{n}{2}\right) + O(n)\]

    This means that to sort an array of size (n), we recursively sort two subarrays each of size (\frac{n}{2}), and then merge them, which takes linear time.

  2. Assume a Form for the Solution:
    We aim to show that $T(n)$ is bounded above by $O(n \log n)$. Let’s assume:

    \[T(n) \leq k \cdot n \log n\]

    where (k) is some constant.

  3. Apply the Substitution Method:
    Substitute our assumed upper bound into the recurrence relation to see if it holds.
  4. Expand the Recurrence Relation:
    Using the assumption, substitute $(T\left(\frac{n}{2}\right))$:\

    \[T(n) = 2T\left(\frac{n}{2}\right) + O(n) \leq 2\left(k \cdot \frac{n}{2} \log \frac{n}{2}\right) + O(n)\]

    Simplify $(2 \cdot \frac{n}{2})$:

    \[T(n) \leq k \cdot n \log \frac{n}{2} + O(n)\]
  5. Simplify the Logarithmic Term:
    Use the logarithmic identity $(\log \frac{n}{2} = \log n - \log 2)$:

    \[T(n) \leq k \cdot n (\log n - \log 2) + O(n)\]

    Expand the terms:

    \[T(n) \leq k \cdot n \log n - k \cdot n \log 2 + O(n)\]
  6. Compare with the Assumed Bound:
    Our goal is to show that:

    \[k \cdot n \log n \geq k \cdot n \log n - k \cdot n \log 2 + O(n)\]

    Subtract (k \cdot n \log n) from both sides:

    \[0 \geq -k \cdot n \log 2 + O(n)\]

    Rearranging terms:

    \[k \cdot n \log 2 \geq O(n)\]
  7. Determine the Constant (k):
    To satisfy the inequality, choose (k) such that:

    \[k \geq \frac{c}{\log 2}\]

    where (c) is the constant from the linear term (O(n)).

  8. Conclusion:
    By choosing an appropriate constant (k), the substitution method confirms that Merge Sort’s runtime satisfies:

    \[T(n) = O(n \log n)\]

Method 2: Iteration (To be updated)

Method 3: The master method (To be updated)

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